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Writer's pictureCharlotte Parker

Meditation Practice to Balance Light and Dark

Hello and welcome to another blog post. Today I wanted to share an insight I had during my meditation time today and is all about the Polarity of receiving and transmuting energy.

Meditation in Nature with Charlotte Parker Healer, Devon and Somerset
The Magical River Barle, Exmoor, UK

I walked down to the river and was guided, as usual, to the perfect spot for that day. I sat upon a rock and listened to the beauty of the river-flow and bird calls, feeling embraced by the wise trees that surrounded me. I took some photographs and a video to share (You can find the video in another blog post and on my instagram page charlotteparker_healer), but basically I just enjoyed Being Awake. I feel most alive when I'm surrounded by nature. My channels are clearer and Light flows easily. Important as a Lightworker and Massage Therapist.

Healing and meditation on Exmoor, UK
The Wise Trees

When it felt time, I gathering my things and walked back up to my home stopping to say hello to the horses in the opposite field. My cottage, like most cottages, have a very special feel when you step inside. The energy is still. I reached for my Unicorn oracle cards having been inspired by the horses and asked for guidance for today.

Unicorn Guidance for meditation practice in Devon and somerset, UK
Oracle of the Unicorns by Cordelia Francesca Brabbs

These are the two cards I picked...

Now, seeing as I had just experienced a very Light filled meditation beside the river I was curious to explore this message...I wasn't feeling 'dark', I didn't feel like I had been through a dark time and I certainly didn't fancy exploring the dark side! What did I need to hear and learn from these cards?

So I stopped, took a breath and what emerged can only be described as one of those 'Aha' moments. These cards were giving me guidance about my practice and how to deepen the teachings from nature and transmute them into healing energy, Light and guidance for my clients.

I had been embraced by Nature and received all it's Light and channelling, I then came home to the stillness of inside and planted those Light seeds in the soil, the dark stillness that is within us all. There, like all seeds, they are nurtured and fed and then grow and transmute into more. Just like seeds, the Light I receive gets buried in the dark, gets concentrated and then appears brighter and stronger and ready to share.

  1. Receive the Light from Nature

  2. Hold the Light in the Stillness within

  3. Allow the dark to act as a chrysalis for the Light

  4. Transmute and ground the channelling into your being

  5. Emerge with a new, brighter Light and a clearer path to channel

Cool. Very cool and Powerful.

I love getting useful and specific guidance!

Does any of this resonate with you? Do you have your own guidance about a meditation practice?

Maybe you'd like to connect with your way to meditate?

Get in touch if you have any questions about my post today or about working with me to help develop your meditation practice.

I am now off to clean the house and tick some things off my to-do list.

It's all part of the journey!

Sending you lots of Blessings and Light



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